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Monday, November 4, 2013

Healthy Weight Loss Basics

A lot of people look to lose weight, and there are so many options and methods available once you have decided to do it. Losing weight healthily is such a plain statement, and yet many of the recognized diets do not promote healthy weight loss; in fact, many will leave you deficient in various vitamins and minerals if you aren't careful!

However, by understanding what your body needs and how it works you can easily start to lose weight healthily with just some minor changes to your current diet and lifestyle.

Understanding calories

The fact is: You will put on weight when you consume too many calories. Therefore, you need to get your calorie intake down below your required daily amount. This varies from person to person but government guidelines suggest 2500 calories daily for men and 2000 for women. In fact, you should aim to have 300-500 less than that. Be careful not to drop too low however or you will be more likely to put on weight instead due to the body trying to protect itself.

Getting active

Exercise and getting active goes hand in hand with your diet, and is a major player in any healthy weight loss diet.

Activity also means you are using energy, and thus burning off excess calories. This doesn't have to involve a workout at an expensive gym. You can fit exercise around your current schedule, which may even save you money too. For example, if you get the bus to the train station or to work, then consider walking instead.

If it is more than a few miles, then perhaps get the bus only half way and walk the rest. You can also get out for a lunchtime stroll, take the stairs instead of the lift or go for a swim in the evenings. Is it entirely up to you what you end up doing as long as you are doing something you are heading down the right track.

Finally, if you need some inspiration into why you should lose some weight, various Medical studies have proven that a woman who is overweight and loses 10-20 pounds will more than halve their risk of developing diabetes. For men, the same studies have proven that heart problems also reduce considerably.

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